Seibel Organic Farms

Our Story

grass fed organic


We are the Seibels.

This farm has been in our family for over 100 years. 

We raised dairy cattle and sold organic milk for most of those years, just transitioning out of that industry in 2022.

Now our time is spent raising beef cattle and tending to our 1200+ acre organic farm.

We know how important it is to know where your food comes from and we take pride in caring for our crops and animals to bring you the best possible product.

grass fed organic


Each year we have about 80 Angus calves born on our farm. We raise them from birth until finished at about 24-26 months old.

All of our animals are 100% certified organic, grass fed and grass finished. They are never given hormones or antibiotics. Their feed is not grown with pesticides or herbicides of any kind.

grass fed organic

Modern Facilities

All of our animals spend the majority of their time outside, but they can come into the barn to cool off in the summer or warm up in the winter.